
Digikam files windows
Digikam files windows

digikam files windows
  1. #Digikam files windows download
  2. #Digikam files windows windows

I used Macrium Reflect to replace my O/S with a system image I had created in April. Thanks I have already found that article and tried that a couple days ago with the same results = no digiKam.

#Digikam files windows windows

Reinstalling digikam or even windows should fix nothing as it isn’t an OS problem. Try that, replacing firefox for digikam, should be the same in win7. I really don’t want to have to reinstall Windows to get rid of this problem.

digikam files windows

I have numerous times manually picked every vestige of digiKam from the system - restart the machine several times = reinstall various versions of digiKam anew - and each and every one of them behaves as if I had made no attempt at all. I gave it a bit to settle in and clicked the digiKam icon, fully expecting it to jump to life = what a frustrating disappointment = still sluggish and still has not opened. The new SSD with the cloned O/S booted up immediately and everything was ready for action. I have learned that, if I click the Task Bar icon to open digiKam and just leave it alone, sometime within the next couple hours, it will just all of a sudden show up, ready for action - however, always opened to something I had done years ago.Īlso, for no reason whatsoever, even with digiKam just there open but idle, I will get the notice "digiKam has stopped working close the program.Īll other programs = just click on the icon and WHAM! there they are - immediately.Īfter trying everything else, I got a brand-new SSD and cloned my O/S onto it and swapped them out. Okay I don’t have any hair left to pull out… Open one of the aforementioned terminals, drag the digicam exe file on to it, press Enter. I can’t figure why this problem has remained through so many uninstalls and reinstalls and even after completely purging digiKam from the system. I have not yet tried to see what will happen if I close the program and then attempt to start it again. So far, all my other programs seem to work fine. Other aspects of the program seem to work as well as they ever did. It did finally finish the process of adding a Collection so, I added another with the same results = each successive step in the process taking forever. When I clicked Settings > Configure digiKam, nothing happened for the longest time and finally the dialogue appeared likewise for each step in the process = make a selection and wait for ages before anything showed up. Once again, I attempted to add the collection. When it crashed, I had been making an attempt to add a “Collection” I navigated back to where I was when everything went haywire. I moused over the icon and, lo and behold, digiKam was up and running it was open to something I had been doing months ago, but it was open.

digikam files windows

When I came back, the TaskBar icon was lit up as if maybe we had something going on. I got side-tracked into real life and was away from the computer for a couple hours. I made another attempt at opening/starting the program, and as always, it didn’t do anything but create another invisible Process in Task Manager. When I attempt to open the program, it acts for about half a second like it may try and open and then no activity whatsoever. Then, I completely manually picked out every vestige of digiKam from every nook and cranny, including the registry, - restarted the machine a few times - installed 7.6 again - and it still will not open. Uninstalled that and tried 6.4 = still will not open

#Digikam files windows download

I have tried fresh download of 7.6 = still refuses to open. Restart machine a couple times and then I can uninstall and then install. Restarted machine several times and digiKam still refuses to open - however, although it does not show in Task Manager, when I attempt to uninstall it, I get a warning saying it is running. Tried to run as Administrator and same results. Waited a bit and clicked the TaskBar icon to reopen digiKam = little blue circle for a second and then nothing. I waited a bit and finally used Task Manager to shut it down. I was using digiKam, version 7.3, when I went to perform a simple operation = the program froze and quit responding.

Digikam files windows